Hello and Welcome back! This week’s Sanctuary Sunday practice is all about the power of journaling. Because let me tell you - it’s the secret sauce!
Journaling has become a daily part of my life over the past couple of years because it has made such a difference in creating an intentional and aligned life. And I want all of you to experience how impactful it can be!
Hundreds of research studies have been conducted on journaling, and the results are astounding. Students are happier, people who have been laid off find jobs faster, emotional strength and even immune systems are strengthened. It’s worth the effort!
What is soul-aligned journaling?
The first thing to know is that the answers are within you.
If you’ve tried to journal before and found it hard, it’s probably because you are seeking answers from your mind, instead of your heart and soul. Your mind is a problem solver, with a list of “shoulds” and it creates pressure.
To get your true soul-aligned answers, the ones that are creative and feel good, you need to get grounded into your body first. The could mean that you decide to do a short ritual to tap into your body, like 5 deep breaths with a body scan (notice each part of your body, starting at your feet). This will allow you to get out of flight or fight, and hear your inner sage over your inner critic. Playing music can also be helpful (one of my favorite playlists is linked below).
When you slow down and listen to those whispers of your heart and soul, you can get truly aligned answers. And then you can create intentions and actions to cultivate the life you want to design from there.
Ways to start to journal:
Daily could be 5 minutes (“soul writing” is a common practice of free writing without prompts that you do as soon as you wake up)
A longer session may reveal more. I would recommend that you set aside 15 - 20 minutes once a week to go deeper. If you have time for that on this Sanctuary Sunday, try it today!
What went well this past week that I want to bring forward into this week?
How can I support myself to make sure that happens?
Who do I want to BE this week?
And my favorites for a longer journaling session:
Imagine yourself one year from now. What does your life look like? What wisdom of lessons and inspiration does that version of yourself want to give you that you can start integrating now?
Journaling Tip
When your brain replies, “I have no idea, I don’t know.” realize that this is totally normal. Give yourself some grace, and then ask again, “Yes, but what if I did know?”
Journaling Playlist
I honor my inner wisdom by giving it the space to be heard.
This journaling practice of reflection and creating a vision allows you to design the NOW that feels fulfilling and aligned.
I hope you find joy in your journey this week - and always!
With love,